Dhanwantharam thailam


Dhanwantharam tailam very useful in arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, inflammation, spondylosis and other conditions that occur due to neuromuscular problems.

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Dhanwantharam tailam helpful in promoting health, energy, and vitality. This ayurvedic oil enhances the circulation and provides nourishment to the muscles. Importantly it is nerve tonic and is one of the prescriptions in dealing with pain relief and anti-inflammation formulated for Vata disorders. Known to be used as a pain relief oil in ayurvedic practices, it contains ingredients known to be helpful in relieving muscle cramps, numbness, pain, and swelling. Dhanwantharam Thailam is an ayurvedic medicine helpful in the treatment of neurological disorders and is known to be beneficial in pacifying degenerative conditions caused by Vata and post-traumatic conditions.Vata and Kapha are two of the Doshas or functional energies of the body. Vitiation of the Vata dosha has a direct effect on joints causing pain. Kapha dosha vitiation can also cause neuromuscular disorders. This oil can help relieve vitiation in Doshas helping to treat chronic pain conditions. It can even be used by pregnant women. It can be massaged to provide relief from cramps and pains before delivery as well as after delivery. Its properties are analgesic, diuretic, antipyretic, antiviral, antioxidant, antirheumatic, immune enhancer, hypoglycaemic and hepatoprotective.


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