Varanadi kashayam


Varanadi Kashayam is herbal formulation used for the treatment of kapha Diseases including obesity, loss of appetite, headache with a dull ache, internal abscesses, fatty liver disease, abdominal lump, rheumatoid arthritis and frozen shoulder. It has the capacity to correct the digestion and metabolism. It helps in fatty liver, belly fat or central obesity.

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Varanadi Kashayam works on kapha dosha and vata dosha. It also increases the pitta dosha , which means it produces heat in the body. Its main action is on pitta, which means it increases digestive fire, improves metabolic activities in the body and corrects cellular energy. varanadi kashayam has the following properties like Diuretic, Uricostatic (inhibits uric acid production), Anti-lithogenic (inhibits stone formation in kidneys), Anti-obesity, Antibacterial, Antimicrobial.


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